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Visit to the EEM23
Between 6th and 8th of June, members of the IEEE PES Slovenia visited the International Conference on the European Energy Market 2023 (EEM23).
38th Workshop on Telecommunications VITEL 2023
The workshop on Telecommunications VITEL 2023 was held between 5th and 6th of June 2023 in Bled, Slovenia. The importance of cloud computing has increased significantly in recent years, not only in the world of information technologies and business applications, but...
Webinar by Prof. Pong Chi Yuen on Remote Photoplethysmography Based 3D Facial Mask Presentation Attack Detection
Talk summary: Although face recognition is widely used in many applications, problems related to face presentation attack detection (PAD) are still unsolved. Common face presentation attacks involve images, videos, and 3D masks. Of these, 3D mask attacks are the most...
Razvoj procesorjev RISC V
V četrtek, 11. maja 2023, je Tadej Murovič, ki se je po doktoratu na FE Ulj zaposlil pri podjetju Codasip, predstvil razvoj procesorjev RISC V. Odprta arhitektura procesorjev RISC V omogoča načrtovanje in razvoj novih mikroprocesorskih sistemov. Podjetje združuje...
Delavnica Linux
V sredo, 10. maja 2023, se je na Srednji poklicni in tehniški šoli v Murski Soboti za dijake in dijakinje 4. letnika, ki obiskujejo izobraževalni program tehnik računalništva odvijala nadaljevalna delavnica na tematiko operacijskega sistema Linux in spoznavanje...
Driving Simulator Showcase
On 24th of April 2022, the Driving simulator showcase event was held in Ljubljana. Slovenia. Participants were invited to try the simulator at UL FE.