V petek, 21. julija 2023, je bilo vabljeno predavanje prof. Ke Guana iz univerze Beijing Jiaotong na temo Multispectral Ray-Tracing Plus Artificial Intelligence for Knowing Channels Better.
6G and beyond will fulfill the requirements of a fully connected world and provide a high data rate and dependable wireless connectivity for all intelligent devices and services, in terms of communications, sensing, and localization. In response to these requirements, highly accurate channel data need to be realized in various scenarios at all frequency bands from sub-6 GHz to millimeter-wave (mmWave), terahertz (THz), and visible light communication (VLC) bands. This speech presents the recent progress on multispectral ray-tracing (RT) plus artificial intelligence (AI) for high-fidelity channel modeling. To begin with, electromagnetic (EM) property and propagation mechanism libraries need to be built for various materials at different bands, either from propagation mechanism measurements for a single material or channel sounding measurements in the target scenario. Then, through extensive simulations using a high-performance RT platform, realistic channel data can be obtained not only for communication channels in challenging conditions (such as mmWave channels with a high-speed train at the speed of 500 km/h) but also for multi-band sensing signals (such as mmWave radar, Light Detection And Ranging, and camera). Moreover, machine learning models for super-resolution of wireless channel characteristics are presented to show how AI can be beneficial for increasing the efficiency of generating channel data while keeping high fidelity. Last but not the least, in order to enhance the potential of RT, we identify the challenges and contemplate the future research outlook toward breaking through these bottlenecks from the perspectives of the input data, algorithms, and computing power.