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Razvrščanje opravil v vgrajenih sistemih
Profesor dr. Goran Martinović je imel predavanje, kjer je bila osnovna tematika razvrščanje opravil v vgrajenih sistemih, ki delujejo v režimu realnega časa. Predavanja so potekala v angleščini. Predavanja so potekala 11. in 12. aprila 2023 na UM FERI, nato pa je...
Uvodno predavanje za študentsko tekmovanje “Merjenje zelenega prehoda z Red Pitayo”
Uvodna predavanja na UM FERI (3. april) in UL FE (6. april), kjer se je predstavila Red Pitaya in podrobnosti o samem tekmovanju. Predstavilo se je mentorje iz UM FERI in UL FE.
IEEE TEMS: “Statement of the Digital Humanism Initiative on ChatGPT and a possible new online world” (DigHum-Series)
This event was organized in collaboration with the Digital Humanism Initiative. Topic: “Statement of the Digital Humanism Initiative on ChatGPT and a possible new online world” (PDF here, scroll down for abstract and CV) Speakers: Helga Nowotny (Former President of...
Top Women Tech
The event was held between 17th and 18h of March 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. The event provided an excellent platform to connect with other women in STEM, exchange ideas, and learn from each other's experiences. It was also a great opportunity to meet and connect with...
Industry partner presentation – RedPitaya
23th of February the industry partner presented their product and needs. We also planned a joint competition for students.
Letna skupščina slovenske sekcije IEEE 2023
V četrek, 16. februarja 2023, je bila ob 17:00 letna IEEE skupščina, na kateri smo se seznanili z delom slovenske sekcije IEEE. Skupščino smo izvedli v restavraciji Grof, Vransko.