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Študentski prispevki na ERK 2023
V četrtek in petek, 28. in 29. oktobra, je v Portorožu v hotelu Bernardin potekala 32. mednarodna Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK 2023. Konferenca je tradicionalno srečanje strokovnjakov, ne le na elektrotehniškem in računalniškem področju, temveč tudi...
32th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2023
Between 28th and 29th of September 2023, the Annual IEEE Slovenia conference ERK 2023 was held in Portorož, Slovenia.
International Summer School on Blockchain Technology with Examples
Between 21st and 22nd of July 2023, the International Summer School on Blockchain Technology with Examples is a summer course aimed primarily at ambitious students who are into understanding of technologies and tools for application development in the blockchain...
International Summer School on Industrial IoT with Examples
Between 18th and 20th of September 2023, the International Summer School on Industrial IoT with Examples is a summer course aimed primarily at ambitious students who are into understanding of technologies and tools for application development in the IIoT (Industrial...
Vabljeno predavanje prof. Ke Guan, Beijing Jiaotong University: Multispectral Ray-Tracing Plus Artificial Intelligence for Knowing Channels Better
V petek, 21. julija 2023, je bilo vabljeno predavanje prof. Ke Guana iz univerze Beijing Jiaotong na temo Multispectral Ray-Tracing Plus Artificial Intelligence for Knowing Channels Better. 6G and beyond will fulfill the requirements of a fully connected world and...
Visit to the IEEE PES General Meeting 2023 in Florida, USA
Between 17th and 20th of July 2023, our members of the IEEE PES Slovenia visited the IEEE PES General Meeting 2023 in Florida, USA.