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Delavnica: Kako začeti z RedPitayo
V sklopu "SH*T HAPPENS" študentskega tekmovanja na temo preprečevanja / lajšanja / zaznavanja nesreč vabljeni na interaktivno delavnico - Kako začeti z Red Pitayo.
Members of the IEEE PES Slovenia visit the IEEE PES ISGT Europe
Between 23rd and 26th of October 2023, our members of the Slovenian PES chapter visit the IEEE PES ISGT Europe conference.
IEEE presentation at student organisation’s fair
Presenting IEEE SB Ljubljana at student organisation's fair at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. Recruiting new members.
Workshop: Exploring Programming Basics and AI Fundamentals
On 18th of October, the workshop: Learn programming fundamentals and explore basic AI concepts was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Learn to start coding with Python, create simple programs, and dip your toes into AI with hands-on exercises like image recognition. Perfect...
IEEE TEMS: “Predictive Privacy, or the Risk of Secondary Use of Trained ML Models” (DigHum-Series)
This event was organized in collaboration with the Digital Humanism Initiative. Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. (17:00) Central European Summer Time (UTC+2) Topic: “Predictive Privacy, or the Risk of Secondary Use of Trained ML Models” (scroll down for abstract...
Webinar by Prof. Anderson Rocha on Synthetic Realities, Trust and Biometrics
Title: Synthetic Realities, Trust and Biometrics: What's Ahead" Speaker: Prof. Anderson Rocha , University of Campinas, Brasil When: 18 October 2023, at 10am ET (4 pm CEST, 10pm Beijing) Where: Online (Zoom) Registration: (free, but required):...