Jul 8, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
On 7h of July 2023, the doctoral candidate asist. mag. Nataša Ošep Ferš provided her presentation as part of advanced studies in OPERATIONAL RESEARCH OF LOGISTIC, TRANSPORT, AND ECONOMIC SYSTEMS (assoc. prof. dr. Aleš Zamuda) as POSTGRADUATE SEMINAR 2 activity of the...
Jul 8, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
The meeting was held on 7th of July 2023 and included two main technical topics: – Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) student and research contributions at ERK 2023 (Portorož), https://erk.fe.uni-lj.si/erk23.html – ROAR-NET cost action WG interests,...
Jun 30, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
Between 25th amd 29th of June, our members attended the PowerTech 2023 held in Belgrade and participated on a special session fucused on the flexibility provision and flexibility markets.
Jun 30, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
V četrtek, 15. junija 2023, je bila na UM FERI delavnica z naslovom “Računalniško usposabljanje” za člane društva ZID Maribor, ki so jo organizirali in izvedli člani ACM Student Chapter Maribor, IEEE Student Branch Maribor, IEEE Women in Engineering...
Jun 16, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
V četrtek, 15. junija 2023, je bila na UM FERI delavnica z naslovom “Računalniško usposabljanje” za člane društva ZID Maribor, ki so jo organizirali in izvedli člani ACM Student Chapter Maribor, IEEE Student Branch Maribor, IEEE Women in Engineering...
Jun 14, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
Piknik prostor “Žur-Žar”, Martina Plazar s.p. 041 611 864 https://maps.app.goo.gl/rm46oNj3XEuHyWJY9 Za hrano in pijačo bo poskrbel catering Mesarije Štajnbirt. IEEE by ChatGPT IEEE, the name inspires, A passion for technology that never tires. From power...