Dec 12, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
This event was held on 11th of December and was within the frame of IEEE GRSS Slovenian Chapter activities, founded by the IEEE GRSS Chapter Budget awarded for 2023. INVITATION to the event IEEE GRSS Slovenia Chapter Day 2023 Keynote talk: Prof. Dr. Mihai Datcu, IEEE...
Dec 9, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
Educational lecture on 5G Core implementation was held on 8th of December 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Dec 4, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
The Central Europe Students and Young Professionals Congress (CEuSYP) was held in Krakow, Poland, from 30th November to 3rd December 2023. The goal of CEuSYP is to connect students from different parts of Europe in order to exchange knowledge and experience and to...
Nov 29, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
Visit to the Enlit Europe 2023 and presentation at a panel in Paris, France.
Nov 24, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
Komisija za izobraževanje pri ZID Maribor je 23. novembra 2023 organizirala ogled podjetja SkyLabs in Laboratorija za elektronske in informacijske sisteme FERI UM. Obe organizaciji sodelujeta v projektu TRISAT, v okviru katerega izvajajo opazovanje Zemlje z...
Okt 30, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
O prvi izvedbi tega tekmovanja, ki je potekalo predlani na Univerzi v Mariboru lahko preberemo v lanski marčevski izdaji časopisa UMniverzum (št. 17, str. 25-27,, ISSN 2463-9303). V začetku...