The Student Paper Contest (SPC) is one of the main technical activities in Region 8. It was established in 1967 and since then it is an excellent occasion for personal leadership and involvement of student members in a prospective IEEE scientific/technical activity and to increase the visibility of the student branch.

The final part of this year’s IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest (Oral Finals) was held within the frame of the TELSIKS 2021 conference, at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, Serbia on 21 October 2021. The format of the Oral Finals was hybrid, and we managed in this difficult time of the pandemic to gather most of the finalists and jury members to participate in person. On the other hand, the hybrid form allowed those who could not travel to participate in the event online. The oral presentation marks in the final part (max 30) were added to the marks from the assessment of the written paper in the first part of the contest (max 70) to give the final result.

Our competitor, Eva Boneš from the University of Ljubljana student branch, has again demonstrated the extremely high quality of Slovenian students’ engineering skills. After last year’s first prize, won by Kristjan Stopar from the University of Maribor, Eva got this year’s 2nd prize for representing her article »Automatic segmentation of the Golgi apparatus in volumetric data with approximate labels«.

We would like to congratulate our competitors, wish them all the best for the future, and encourage other, younger students to participate in next year’s student paper competition, which will be held at ERK 2022 conference.

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