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RedPitaya lecture
As a part of celebrating IEEE Day, our industry partner RedPitaya gave a lecture for sudents and professors.
ERK 2023 Didactics Section
Education section organised at conference ERK 2023.
ERK 2023 Computational Intelligence Section
IEEE Slovenia CIS annual chapter meeting with technical presentations at ERK (Portorož, Slovenia) Computational Intelligence (IEEE Slovenia CIS, CIS11) sessions at ERK have become a tradition, as the CIS11 chapter meeting with technical presentations at the ERK...
ERK 2023 Local Student Paper Competition
On 28th of September 2023, the local Student Paper Competition for the University of Ljubljana and Maribor was held. It is a preselection for the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Competition (SPC).
ERK 2023 Electronics Section
32nd International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference Electronics 1 and Electronics 2 Sections.
ERK 2023 Telecommunications Section 32th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2023 Telecommunications Section TC2: Remote Sensing and Electronic in Space